What is BoilerCast?


BoilerCast is a service that captures classroom lectures and makes them available for students on demand.


Boilercast captures audio, video, and other visual aids inside the classroom and converts them into an online presentation that can be accessed on the go from devices such as smart phones and laptops. These recordings are often used as preparation for homework, assignments, labs, and exam reviews.

BoilerCast is available to all credit courses held on the West Lafayette campus. Instructors can request BoilerCast at any time during the semester by filling out the request form from the BoilerCast website. All classrooms with TIC (Technology in the Classroom) computers are capable of capturing audio and the desktop PC's monitor output. Some classrooms allow for a full rich media capture of classroom content. Once requested, instructors will get automated BoilerCast recordings throughout the semester, so there is no need to worry about remembering to record a class. 

Purdue IT stores captures on the Kaltura server for at least 4 semesters.

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Article ID: 14
Wed 3/22/23 9:24 AM
Fri 5/24/24 2:55 PM

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