What training is available for Purdue Box?

Tags Purdue-Box


This article describes what training is available for Purdue Box


You can find free Box training at Box.com.

Box provides recorded and live tutorials on Box features.

If you prefer training with an instructor, you can sign up for certain live, online Box training sessions which are scheduled at preset times. The others are self-paced, pre-recorded sessions. The self-paced content covers basic Box functionality and should provide you with enough information to get started.

Box recommends users start with the free, self-paced User Essentials training. This course will provide you with training on basic Box functionality. You can find it listed near the bottom of the page linked below.

NOTE: You may be required to log into Box to access some of the training. Following along while logged into Box in a separate window is also recommended.

You can find Box training at the following link: 


Lynda.com also has a number of courses on using Box which are free to Purdue faculty and staff.  Please visit https://one.purdue.edu and click on “Professional Tutorials” to access Lynda.com as a Purdue faculty or staff member.


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