How do I save files to my personal computer from Software Remote?


In order to save files to your personal computer, you will need to do the following:

  1. Select 'File' and 'Save As' from the tool bar menu at the top.
  2. In the drop-down menu next to Save in:, select 'C$ on 'Client' (C:)'.
  3. Name the file and then save it.


Desktop drives are automatically designated at login with names followed by a $.  For example, your desktop C: drive will show up as 'C$ on client (C:)' inside your application.  Generally, it is best to store files on your H: drive as the high speed connection between the Software Remote servers and the career account servers makes file access the fastest here.  If you are still unable to save to your C: Drive, you should reset your profile.

  1. Go to Purdue IT.
  2. Select the 'Change Password' link under popular destinations.
  3. Log in using your career account username and password.
  4. Select the 'Reset your Software Remote' profile button located under 'Your Windows Profiles (ITaP Labs') located on the bottom left hand side of the page.
  5. Log out.
  6. After your Software Remote profile is reset you should be able to save the files to your C: Drive.

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Article ID: 287
Fri 5/26/23 2:55 PM
Wed 9/20/23 2:32 PM

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