FileLocker is a Web-based application that was created to securely share files across campus and externally. FileLocker may be used by students, staff and faculty at Purdue University.<Brief description of the product.>
With FileLocker, you can share large files easily and securely, without having to worry about single email message size quotas. There is no limit to the number of files, only their aggregate size. The maximum file size may not exceed the remaining free space associated with your account and must be less than 8GB. Quotas are now 1GB by default, expandable upon request within reason and with a good reason. Once you have exceeded your storage allotment, existing files will need to be removed before new files can be uploaded. To increase your quota, please contact the Service Desk, (765) 494-4000 or click the "Purdue IT Request" button to submit a ticket.
You can set permissions to share the file with other employees at Purdue or to anyone through a password-protected URL. FileLocker always transfers files securely using strong encryption, and you can optionally encrypt files stored in your FileLocker vault as well.
Once a file has been uploaded to FileLocker, you can share that file with others at Purdue directly. Once a file is shared, the recipient can log into FileLocker to retrieve it. You can also choose to have share recipients notified by email when a new file is shared with them.
When sharing files anonymously, a URL link is created that can be shared with those to whom you want to give access.
- To retrieve the file, recipients simply paste the link into a web browser, and supply the appropriate password when prompted.
- Files stored on the FileLocker server will expire in 30 days, unless a shorter lifespan is specified. FileLocker was created to allow you to easily and securely transfer files with one another. FileLocker is not a file storage location as all uploaded files will be removed automatically after they expire.
- Use of the FileLocker tool is subject to Purdue University's IT Resource Acceptable Use Policy. Copyrighted materials may not be shared via FileLocker without permission of the copyright owner.
- In order to access the FileLocker application, you must log in with your Purdue career account login and password. Use your career account to log in at https://filelocker.purdue.edu/.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.