How to add your profile photo to Microsoft 365


  • I want to add a profile picture to Microsoft 365


  • Microsoft 365


You can add or change your profile photo in Microsoft 365 from, or while using Microsoft 365 applications on your computer or in a browser on your phone. Your photo will appear everywhere there's a profile photo circle in Microsoft 365.

  1. Find a photo you want to use and store it on your computer, OneDrive, or other location you can get to. The photo needs to be smaller than 4 MB and can be a .png, jpg, or .gif file.

  2. Sign in to Microsoft 365 with your work or school account at

  3. Select the circle in the upper right hand corner of the page that shows your initials or an icon of a person.  

  4. In the My accounts pane, select the circle that shows your initials or an icon of a person. Change your photo in the pop-up that appears.

To see this information with screen shots, see Microsoft Support's article: Add your profile photo to Microsoft 365


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Article ID: 587
Wed 2/14/24 9:32 AM
Wed 2/14/24 9:34 AM

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