Purdue Fort Wayne- Listserv Glossary


The document provides an overview of various terms related to Listservs and email distribution lists.


Here are the key points of the Listservs Glossary:

  1. Announcement List:

    • A one-way communication list used for important notices or upcoming events.
    • Typically has one or two owners, editors who can send mail, and many subscribers.
    • Subscribers cannot send mail to the list.
  2. Editor:

    • Allowed to send postings to a moderated list without going through a moderator.
    • A list can have multiple editors.
  3. L-Soft:

    • The company that makes the Listserv product used by Purdue Fort Wayne.
  4. List Address:

    • The email address of the Listserv (e.g., ENG-W131-03-L@listserv.pfw.edu).
  5. List Name:

    • The name of the list (excluding “@listserv.pfw.edu”).
    • For example, “ENG-W131-03-L” from the Listserv address “ENG-W131-03-L@listserv.pfw.edu.”
  6. Listserv:

    • An email distribution list created for specific topics (open discussions, moderated discussions, or announcements).
  7. Moderated List:

    • Controlled discussion list where posts must be approved by a moderator before distribution.
    • Useful for managing high subscriber counts and reducing off-topic posts.
  8. Moderator:

    • Responsible for approving messages before they are sent to everyone on the list.
  9. Open Discussion List:

    • Allows all subscribers to send mail without intervention.
    • Encourages free and open discussion.
  10. Owner:

    • Sets the list’s charter and policy.
    • Responsible for subscribing members and defining list parameters.
    • Owners can alter list setup.
  11. Post:

    • A mail message sent to the Listserv.
  12. Subscriber:

    • Receives mail from the Listserv.
    • Owners, editors, and moderators are not subscribers by default.

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Mon 5/6/24 11:17 AM
Thu 5/16/24 2:11 PM

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