Ag - Remote Into a Managed Windows PC from a Personal or Managed Mac



These are step-by-step instructions on how to remote into a managed Windows device from a personal or managed Mac.


  1. Have remote access to the device you want to remote into. If you do not have remote access, you can submit a request here
  2. Open and connect to Cisco Secure Client on the Ag VPN. This app will be installed on managed Macs. For personal Macs, you can click on this link for instructions on how to install and connect
  3. The computer you are trying to remote into will need to be on and connected to the Purdue domain
  4. You will need to have signed into the computer you are trying to remote into at least once
  5. The name or IP address of the computer you want to remote into. You can learn how to find this information here
  6. Download the Windows App from the App Store on your Mac


  1. Open the Windows App
  2. Click the + and select Add PC
    Add a PC

  3. In the PC name field, enter in the computer name of the device you want to remote into followed by You can also use the IP address of the device instead of the name.
  4. In the Credentials dropdown menu, select Add Credentials…
    Credentials Dropdown

  5. Type in your Purdue credentials. Precede your username with boilerad\ and click Add
    NOTE: You can add a friendly name to the computer under the appropriate field. If you do not use this field, the computer will show up as either the hostname or the IP address.
    Add Credentials
  6. After you click Add, you will see an entry for the PC in the Windows App app. Double-click the entry and click Continue. 
    Connect to Windows PC


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Article ID: 1141
Thu 10/10/24 10:40 AM
Thu 12/19/24 9:04 AM