How do I find out who can update or edit a Purdue web site?


Instructions on how to find out who owns or maintains a particular website at Purdue University West Lafayette.



To find out who owns or maintains a website hosted by Purdue IT Web Services, users can use the Service Reports tool to look up the appropriate person or team. 


Note: The following tool requires that you log in using your Purdue career account user name and password. Web Services works to keep the information in the tool updated on a regular basis, but it may sometimes be out of date if someone has recently changed positions and has not updated Web Services about the change.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Purdue career account user name and password when prompted.
  3. Select either:
    • "Sites by User/Group (all systems)", if you know the name of the site, but not the name of the developer who has access to the site.
      • For this option, use the scrolling menu to select from the available sites.
      • Only "top level" sites are listed, so you may only see part of the website address in which you are interested. Pick the closest match.
      • If you can't find even a partial match, most likely the site is not hosted by Purdue IT Web Services. Try using this article to find the site owner instead.
    • "Users/Groups by Site (all systems)", if you know the name of the developer or group who maintains the site, but not the name of the site.
      • For this option, enter the Purdue user name of that person.
      • If you know the Deploy group name, that can be used here too.
  4. In either case, before clicking "Lookup", look at the "Deploy Type" setting.
    • The default Deploy Type, "URL", will search most websites.
    • Change this to "WordPress" to look at WordPress websites instead.
    • If you're not sure of the type of site, select "All".
  5. Click "Lookup". Depending on the type of search you will see different results:
    • If you looked up Sites by User/Group, you will see the Owners and Developers for the top level site listed as well as all defined sub-sites.
      • If you see a group name, clicking it will reveal the group members.
      • If you select a user or group using the radio button on the left, then click on the "Lookup User/Group" button at the bottom of the list, you can look up all sites with which that user or group is associated.
    • If you looked up Users/Groups by Site, you will see all the sites with which that person or group is associated listed in a table, including their type of access.
      • There may be several pages of results. Page through them using the controls on the right side of the table, or use the built-in Search fields at the top and bottom of the table to narrow down your results.
      • If you select a site using the radio button on the left, then click the "Lookup Site" button at the bottom of the table, you can see a list of all Owners and Developers for that site (as well as any sub-sites).


  • Owners are primary points of contact for a site. They are often only listed for the top-level of a site, but should be good contacts for any questions or issues within that site.
  • Developers are people who can make changes to the site. An Owner that has "Yes" listed in the "Deploy" column can also make changes to the site.
  • Deploy Types:
    • "All" searches all website types. Use this if you aren't sure.
    • "URL" searches for regular websites, including sites published by Cascade.
    • "WordPress" searches for WordPress websites.
    • "Data" searches for website data directories. There will also be a corresponding URL entry for the website itself.
    • "CGI", or Common Gateway Interface, searches for Perl applications. There will also be a corresponding URL entry for the website itself.
    • "Other" searches for special site types and is rarely used.

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 527
Thu 10/12/23 11:45 AM
Mon 1/13/25 11:55 AM

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