To find out who owns or maintains a website hosted by Purdue IT Web Services, users can use the Service Reports tool to look up the appropriate person or team.
Note: The following tool requires that you log in using your Purdue career account user name and password. Web Services works to keep the information in the tool updated on a regular basis, but it may sometimes be out of date if someone has recently changed positions and has not updated Web Services about the change.
- Go to
- Log in with your Purdue career account user name and password when prompted.
- Select either:
- "Sites by User/Group (all systems)", if you know the name of the site, but not the name of the developer who has access to the site.
- For this option, use the scrolling menu to select from the available sites.
- Only "top level" sites are listed, so you may only see part of the website address in which you are interested. Pick the closest match.
- If you can't find even a partial match, most likely the site is not hosted by Purdue IT Web Services. Try using this article to find the site owner instead.
- "Users/Groups by Site (all systems)", if you know the name of the developer or group who maintains the site, but not the name of the site.
- For this option, enter the Purdue user name of that person.
- If you know the Deploy group name, that can be used here too.
- In either case, before clicking "Lookup", look at the "Deploy Type" setting.
- The default Deploy Type, "URL", will search most websites.
- Change this to "WordPress" to look at WordPress websites instead.
- If you're not sure of the type of site, select "All".
- Click "Lookup". Depending on the type of search you will see different results:
- If you looked up Sites by User/Group, you will see the Owners and Developers for the top level site listed as well as all defined sub-sites.
- If you see a group name, clicking it will reveal the group members.
- If you select a user or group using the radio button on the left, then click on the "Lookup User/Group" button at the bottom of the list, you can look up all sites with which that user or group is associated.
- If you looked up Users/Groups by Site, you will see all the sites with which that person or group is associated listed in a table, including their type of access.
- There may be several pages of results. Page through them using the controls on the right side of the table, or use the built-in Search fields at the top and bottom of the table to narrow down your results.
- If you select a site using the radio button on the left, then click the "Lookup Site" button at the bottom of the table, you can see a list of all Owners and Developers for that site (as well as any sub-sites).
- Owners are primary points of contact for a site. They are often only listed for the top-level of a site, but should be good contacts for any questions or issues within that site.
- Developers are people who can make changes to the site. An Owner that has "Yes" listed in the "Deploy" column can also make changes to the site.
- Deploy Types:
- "All" searches all website types. Use this if you aren't sure.
- "URL" searches for regular websites, including sites published by Cascade.
- "WordPress" searches for WordPress websites.
- "Data" searches for website data directories. There will also be a corresponding URL entry for the website itself.
- "CGI", or Common Gateway Interface, searches for Perl applications. There will also be a corresponding URL entry for the website itself.
- "Other" searches for special site types and is rarely used.
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