What happens to email, One Drive, software, Zoom and other IT resources after graduating from Purdue?


Answers to questions about accessing email, software, and other IT resources after graduation or leaving Purdue.



Answers to questions about accessing email, software, and other IT resources after graduation or leaving Purdue.  


As graduation nears, graduating seniors and graduate students should begin preparing for the eventual disabling of their Purdue accounts, including the loss of access to materials stored via their Purdue-Microsoft One Drive and Box accounts and access to Purdue email.  

Following is a list of resources commonly used by students, what happens to access after graduation, and, in some cases, what can be done to ensure access after leaving Purdue.  

Microsoft products (other than email): Access to software like Excel, Word, Power Point, and other tools available through Purdue’s Office 365 account are disabled within a month of graduation. Students are switched to an “email only” license (see email section below) that allows them to retain access to email, calendar, and contacts. But students lose access to all other Microsoft tools.  

Microsoft One Drive access through your Purdue account is revoked within a month of graduation. Those wishing to keep files can use Microsoft's Move Transfer Wizard to move files to a free personal One Drive account with a 5 Gb data limit, by following these steps: 

  1. Before you can move your files, you must contact Purdue IT and request that MFA be temporarily disabled in order to transfer files. To request MFA be disabled, send an email to it@purdue.edu and in the subject put "Attn: IT_Collaboration; MFA temp disable." The Move Transfer Wizard tool will fail without the MFA temporary disablement.
  2. Open Microsoft's  Move Transfer Wizard and follow the steps provided. Unlink

Other options include moving data to a personal computer or hard drive or employing another cloud-storage service. If you are a Graduate Student and have research data in OneDrive, immediately place the research data in a shared OneDrive folder that is owned by your PI. Failure to do so could jeopardize future papers and collaboration - and violate data retention requirements placed by the funding agency. 

Email: Your Purdue/Office 365 email account, along with calendar and contacts, will remain valid for three semesters after graduation. To extend access to a Purdue email account beyond this limit, there are two options:  

  • Option 1: You can migrate your email from your student @purdue.edu mailbox to an alumni @alumni.purdue.edu mailbox.

    • Step 1: Go to https://alumniemail.ud.purdue.edu/ and click on "Get It" link to set up your Alumni email. Fill out the form and follow instrcutcions for creating y our alumni email account.

    • Step 2: After your account is created and accessible, exporting your @purdue.edu mail into a .pst file and import it into your alumni account. Details can be found at: https://alumniemail.ud.purdue.edu/Questions.aspx 

  • Option 2: Follow the export email instructions available from Microsoft to move email content, calendars, and contacts to personal email account.  

Brightspace: Access to specific courses in D2L Brightspace ends at the conclusion of each semester.  

Adobe Products will be unavailable to you immediately. This includes Acrobat, the Creative Cloud Suite and Adobe cloud. Any files on your Adobe Cloud should be backed up to personal storage prior to graduation as the files cannot be retrieved. 

Software from Community Hub:  All software downloaded from Community Hub should be removed from all personally owned computers after graduation, failure to do so violates  

Zoom access through Purdue’s account ends shortly after graduation, but everyone is eligible to create a free Zoom account (with limited meeting time and storage space) at zoom.us. Before access is turned off, users can save transfer recorded meeting video by the methods described here.  

Have questions about other services or tools? Send an email to it@purdue.edu

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 579
Sat 2/3/24 7:07 AM
Tue 8/20/24 3:43 PM

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