Web Presence


Services related to the building and maintenance of web pages and sites.

How to Request this Service

  • Submit your request using the "Purdue IT Request" button to the right for requests about tools for web presence.

Report an Issue to notify support staff if a tool or process is not working as expected.

Purdue IT Request

Related Articles (8)

How to fix my Web page permissions on a Mac
Instructions for solving common problems associated with Career Account Web Space.
For Purdue IT to provide services related to a Student Org Account, only the Club President & Faculty Advisor ON RECORD are allowed to request service.
This article provides links and a request button for assistance.
A webpage is a specific type of file that can be viewed in a web browser (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc); usually an HTML file. When you type an address into the address bar of your browser, you've directed your browser to pull up a specific file on the Internet located at that address. This file is a webpage.

A website is a collection of webpages and all other associated files that have a common purpose.
What to do if you have run Webfix and am still getting a '503: Forbidden' error?
This article provides links and other information for changes to Purdue websites.
This article contains information for requesting for updating Purdue IT websites.


Service ID: 17
Tue 3/14/23 1:34 PM
Tue 7/16/24 4:42 PM

Service Offerings (1)

Web Presence Request
Web Presence Request