How do I get a personal webspace?


Your personal webspace refers to the “www” folder in your Career Account Storage space. Once set up, you can host your own webpages in this space.

Users are NOT granted a personal webspace by default, permission must be granted prior to use.

Staff and faculty may request a personal webspace on their own behalf by sending an email to and requesting access.

Students require a staff or faculty member to make a request for a personal webspace on their behalf.  The staff/faculty member making the request should send an email to including the student’s username and the reason for making the request.  Common reasons are ‘required for class’, ‘club related’, ‘personal development’, etc.

NOTE: Content or use considered to be an inappropriate use of campus resources, may be subject to removal and/or punishment.


What is the URL for my personal web page?

Your default page is which points to the “index.html” file in your “www” folder. To access something else stored in your “www” folder, simply type in the name of the file after your username (for example:

To edit your web page, you can open the index file (or create a new one) with any web page editing software. All web files should be placed in the “www” folder on your Purdue Career Account.

How do I access my Career Account Storage?

To access your Career Account Storage on a Purdue computer, it should show up as the “W:\” drive on your computer. If you’re NOT on a Purdue computer, you can find information on how to connect to your Career Account in the article "What is my career account home directory?"

You are allotted 5GB of storage within your Career Account and the Web Space shares that space.

How do I get a “www” folder in my Career Account Storage?

To create your “www” folder in your Career Account Storage, AFTER you have been granted permission, you’ll need to connect to the webserver using an SSH Client. Please see the article How do I connect to the personal webspace server using a SSH Client? for directions on how to connect.

Once connected, run the “webinit” command (without quotes), and press Enter. If a new command line appears without errors, the “www” folder has been created, the SSH client can be closed.



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