Student Organizations have a variety of technical support.
Student Org Accounts Summary
Unlike shared mailbox accounts, student org accounts function VERY similarly to a user's account.
It has a username, a password, it can have a webspace, and it can have an email mailbox on O365.
For the above reasons, the processes for password resets, webspaces, email, etc are ALMOST the same process as with a user account.
Account Creation/Update
Student Org Account Creation, or updates to their profiles/records are NOT an IT process.
You will need to contact SAO (Student Activities & Organizations) to implement any of these changes.
SAO: sao@purdue.edu (765) 49-41231
Authorized Users
Since this account doesn't equate to a specific user, who is allowed to call in an make changes to it?
The ONLY users that are authorized to make changes to a student org account are the CURRENT Advisor & President OF RECORD.
If you're not sure who is on record, send an email to it@purdue.edu with the username of the student org, and we can look it up.
If you don't know the username of the student org, you will need to contact SAO to make the change (see above)
If the Advisor & President of record is incorrect, you will need to contact SAO to make the change (see above), this is not an IT process.
Password Change/Reset via an Authorized user's account
A Student Organization Account is used by a student organization to access their network storage space, Purdue Career Account login, and email. Only the Faculty Advisor and the organization's President on record, has access to the following options.
1. The president or advisor will need to go to their account page at www.purdue.edu/apps/account.
2. Log in using your personal Career Account information, select the 'Student Organization Computing Accounts' link in the 'Account Tools' Panel (lower right).

3. Click 'Set Password' on the following page.
4. Follow the instructions to edit the organization's password.
If you do NOT receive a confirmation message that the password has been changed, verify the password meets the following requirements:
- Contains at least one upper and one lower case letter.
- Contains at least 1 number
- Is 9-12 characters in length
- Contains more than 4 unique characters
- Hasn't been used in the last year
If you do not see the 'Student Organization Computing Accounts' link in the 'Account Tools' section, then you are not listed on record with SAO as an authorized user. Contact SAO directly to make the change (see above), this is not an IT process.
Password Change/Reset with assistance from Purdue IT
To change/reset the password for the Student Org, you must be an Authorized User for the Student Org's Account (see above).
If you're an Authorized user and need assistance, please call into the Purdue IT Customer Service Center (765) 49-44000, be prepared to supply your PUID and other identifying information.
NOTE: When making changes to the account's password, you should be coordinating this change with the other Authorized user on the account so you're repeatedly resetting the password on each other.
Once you have a temporary password, you'll need to set a permanent one, you will need to either,
- Go to a Purdue computer, log in with the temp password, and use Ctrl+Alt+Del to change the password. Then log out.
- In a web browser, go to purdue.edu/apps/account, log in with the temp password, use the "Change Password" option to change the password.
NOTE: The president and advisor MAY share the password credentials with whoever they need to, but CSC will ONLY work with authorized users on password changes.
Student Org Email Mailbox
Student Org mailboxes function essentially the same as a personal mailbox, changes are made in the same way, however, only Authorized Users (see above) are allowed to make changes.
Student Org Personal Webspace Request
NOTE: Student Orgs are NOT granted a personal webspace by default, permission must be granted prior to being available for use.
NOTE: Student Orgs will require their Faculty Advisor to make a request for a student org webspace on their behalf. The Advisor making the request should send an email to it@purdue.edu including the student org’s username and the reason for making the request. Common reasons are ‘club related’, ‘personal development’, etc.
For any other questions regarding Student Org Webspaces, consult the KBs on personal webspaces, including:
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