How to transfer tickets from FootPrints to TeamDynamix


Consult with ITSMO about when your instance of Footprints is transitioning to TDX. Two weeks before the transition date, new tickets should be created in TeamDynamix, while existing tickets should be completed within FootPrints. FootPrints tickets that cannot be completed within the 2-week window must be migrated to TeamDynamix manually by the team that owns them. The following instructions provides general steps to accomplish this with appropriate customer communication.


Tickets that must be migrated to TeamDynamix manually will need to be recreated in TeamDynamix and then updated in FootPrints to notify the customer and resolve the ticket without sending a resolution notification.

  1. Manually re-create the ticket to be transferred in TeamDynamix.
  2. Edit the ticket in FootPrints.
  3. Set the status to "Resolved"
  4. Set the Resolution Notice to "Moved to TDX" (Note: Tickets resolved this way will not send a resolution email to the customer. You must complete Step 7 for a customer to receive an email). 
  5. On the "Issue Information" tab, document the new TeamDynamix ticket number in the Tech Notes.
  6. On the "Customer Note" tab,  Add a customer note using the "Insert Quick Customer Note" drop-down to "Moved Ticket to TDX". Feel free to alter the default message as you see fit.
  7. On the "Assignees & Notifications" tab, set the "Send email to" options to check the "Contact" box (and CC if appropriate).
  8. Populate any other required fields and update any other information you see fit.
  9. Click "Save"

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.

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Article ID: 404
Mon 7/10/23 3:02 PM
Wed 5/8/24 11:50 AM

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