How to update tickets in TDX as a technician


The following is a guide for technicians updating tickets in TDX.  For video tutorials on the Service Request and Incident practices, and how to use the TDNext portal to create, review and update tickets, see the article "Incident and Service Request best practices in TDX (TeamDynamix )."


When working a ticket, follow these general guidelines:  


Use the “Actions" menu options to complete specific tasks like: 

  • Modifying the responsibility of a ticket by using “Take” or “Assign” or “Unassign” options. 

  • Modifying the SLA of a ticket by using the “Assign”, “Reassign”, “Remove” options. 

  • Change the relationship with another ticket by using the “Set Parent”, “Create Parent”, “Copy” or “Merge” options. 

  • Convert between Incidents and Service Requests by using the “Edit Classification” option. 

  • Organize tickets by using “Add to My Work” or “Flag” options. 

  • Transfer to an external entity by using “Forward” or “Move to Application” options 


The status you set for the ticket indicates where it stands in the request process: 

  • New: Indicates a new ticket  

  • Assigned: Indicates that a ticket has a Responsible group or person assigned and an initial message has been sent to the customer  

  • In Process: Indicates that a ticket is being investigated for resolution  

  • Awaiting Customer Response: Used when a message has been sent to the Requestor asking for more information or validation that the issue is resolved. Best Practice – Set the “Goes off hold” date and time out 3-5 days to allow time for the customer to respond but does not stay in that open state forever. When the ticket goes off hold, it will return to your list of “My Assigned Incidents & SRs” in the In Process status.  

  • Pending Internal: Indicates that a task or other information from a Purdue IT team is outstanding.  

  • Pending External: Indicates that an answer or other information from a vendor or area outside of Purdue IT is outstanding.  

  • Resolved: Indicates that the ticket is complete from the technician’s perspective.  

  • Closed: Used when a customer confirms that their ticket is complete, or after 7 days of being in a Resolved status.  

  • Cancelled: Used when the customer chooses to withdraw the ticket.  

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

The service-level agreement (SLA) sets the expectations between the service provider and the customer. Within TDX, there are currently four options available to select: 

Service Level Agreement


Edit (To update or correct core fields of a ticket) 

“Edit” a ticket when you need to change the ticket form used or core fields like:  

  • Requestor  
  • Contact  
  • Asset/CI  
  • Building and Room  
  • Title  
  • Description  
  • Urgency   
  • Impact  
  • Priority 


To engage with the requester, creator, contacts, or responsible party when no ticket fields need to be updated. Typically, this is to ask/answer a question or provide information. 

  1. If you are communicating with the requester, creator, or contacts, the “Make comments private” box is unchecked by default, meaning any comment is visible in the client portal. If desired, technicians will need to check the box to keep comments hidden from requesters and contacts in the client portal.

  2. Add users related to the ticket that you would like to notify through email, using the “Notify....” box. NOTE: This option overrides the privacy option in step 1. 

  3. Enter you comment in the rich text field provided and click “Save” 


To engage with a third party or when fields like status or custom fields need to be updated. Typically, this is to communicate progress/status updates or to coordinate with external entities. 

  1. If your update includes a comment that you want to be visible to requesters in the portal, uncheck the “Make comments private” option. 

  1. Add users related to the ticket that you would like to notify through email, using the “Notify....” box. NOTE: This option overrides the privacy option in step 1. 

  1. Enter you comment in the rich text field, add attachments, and update fields as desired, then click “Save” 


  1. Add a task assigned to the group and include in the description what your question is or what you are asking the group to do. 

  1. Communication between the groups directly related to the task should be handled by updating the task and adding a comment. 

  1. The group assigned to document work completed or answers to questions within the task, then set the percentage complete to 100% and notify the responsible party of the parent ticket. 

  1. The responsible party of the parent ticket can verify completion and re-open the task, if necessary, by updating the task completion percentage to less than 100%, adding a comment explaining the reason, and notifying the assigned individual. 




Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.

Purdue IT Request Print Article

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