What is Ivy chat bot?


The Ivy.ai chat bot can be found in the right hand corner on Purdue IT supported web pages, including it.purdue.edu, service.purdue.edu, rcac.purdue.edu and purdue.edu/securepurdue. The chat bot uses AI learning to answer user questions based on content found on its websites. 


At this time, the Ivy chat bot does not support live agent communication. Users wishing to speak or communicate with a Purdue IT technician can do so by clicking the "Purdue IT Request" button on this page or calling the central service desk at 765-494-4000.

The Ivy.ai chat bot can also be customized to address specific needs. For instance, a link to the bot pre-loaded with common printer questions has been created and is being advertised via QR codes at print stations to help address customer needs. Users within Purdue IT can request the creation of similar links by submitting a request to the Purdue IT Service Management team (itservicemanagement@purdue.edu).


Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.

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Article ID: 563
Wed 1/10/24 3:12 PM
Tue 2/27/24 4:25 PM

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