Teaching & Learning

Instructional technology, tools and resources directly supporting teaching and learning.

Services (8)

Accommodated Assistance

Equal access for all Purdue students.

AERO Machine Shop

This is a request for the Aerospace Prototype Shop (APS).


Assessment provides a means for making inferences about the learnnig and development of students.


Purdue IT provides faculty and staff with the use of a computer, network storage, and instructional applications in the every classroom.

Computer Labs

Instructional labs provide students and instructors at Purdue's West Lafayette campus with facilities designed to promote teaching and learning through the use of desktop computer systems.

Learning Management

Learning Management Systems, or LMS, are online platforms that store large quantities of teaching materials and have a user-friendly interface.

Lecture Capture

Lecture capture services can be used to record classes which students can then watch any time they need to review a lecture.

Teaching & Learning Tools

Purdue IT supports a wide variety of tools used in teaching and learning activities.