This article provides step by step instructions for linking different tickets together in the TeamDynamix TDNext interface.
TeamDynamix does provide the functionality to link certain types of tickets to others. For instance, an incident or service request may be linked to a problem, a change, or a release. However, an incident may not be linked to another incident, nor to a service request. This graphic from TeamDynamix may help illustrate the concept.

As an example, follow these steps to link a problem ticket to an incident:
- First determine if a problem ticket already exists for the incident. You may do this by going to the Purdue IT Tickets tab of TDNext and clicking on 'Problems'.

- Be sure to review the problem records and the incidents linked to them to ensure that the incident at hand matches the problem described.
- If the problem record has information for a work around, be sure to try that solution to your incident. Even if it works, still link the incident to the problem. Continued incidents may change the priority of finding a solution to the problem.
- If there is a Problem Record, then use the 'Set Parent' option from the incident ticket's Actions menu and enter the problem ticket number for the parent.
- If not, then use the 'Create Parent' option from the incident ticket's Actions menu and create a new Problem ticket.

- A feed entry will be added to the incident ticket. The problem ticket will have a top menu listing for Children. This tab will show how many tickets are children of this parent ticket.

Once you have child tickets associated with your Problem or Major Incident ticket, you may update the parent ticket and have the Status and Comment update all of the child tickets by clicking on the Cascade? button.

The Cascade Notifications option allows you to pick either Reviewers/Reviewing Groups, Creators, Requestors, or Responsible Persons/Groups.
Still need help? Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.