Knowledge Base: Create a Link in an Article

This article covers creating links to other pages external to the article. 

You can make your articles more accessible by improving how you use links.

Link text should be the title of the linked page.

Setting links

Assuming you are edit mode:

  1. Highlight text you want to link.
  2. Select the Link icon.
    Link toolbar
    The Link window opens. It has 3 tabs and defaults to the Link Info tab.
    • Displayed Text field shows your selected text; you can change it and the text in the article Body will update.
    • Link Type defaults to URL.
      • If your selected text is an email address, select Email from the drop down menu.
    • Protocol defaults to http://. Leave as is.
    • Paste the URL into the field. The Protocol menu automatically updates.
      URL window
  3. Go to the Target tab.
  4. Select New Window (_blank).
  5. Click OK.

When someone clicks the link, the target page will open in a new tab or window depending on their browser settings.

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