This document provides instructions on how to add a subscriber to a Listserv, an email list service at Purdue Fort Wayne, using either the web interface or the e-mail commands.
Web Interface
Note: If you'd like to add more than one subscriber, please consider viewing Bulk Loading Subscribers to a Listserv.
Go to and log in.
Click Subscriber Management from the menu on the left.
If you own more than one list, choose the correct one from the Select List: drop-down menu at the top.
Enter the email address and name into the Email Address and Name: field.
Example: John Doe
Select whichever Notification setting you'd like. Do Not Notify the User is the default.
Click the Add Subscriber button.
E-mail Commands
Address an e-mail to
In the body of the message type one line for each person you want to add, using this format: ADD nameoflist Firstname Lastname
Send the e-mail.