How to change your career account password:


he following instructions can help you change your Purdue Career Account password, which is the password you services behind Purdue Login, your Purdue email account and other services.



The following instructions can help you change your Purdue Career Account password, which is the password you services behind Purdue Login, your Purdue email account and other services. 

Students at Purdue Fort Wayne should see "How to change your GoPFW account password" and "How Purdue Fort Wayne students and faculty can check their Purdue Login credentials."

Students, Faculty, and Staff at Purdue Northwest should see “Accounts and Passwords at PNW


NOTE:  If you use a mobile device or smartphone to access Purdue services such as email, PAL, or VPN, please read What steps should I take with my mobile device when resetting my password? before changing your password.  This will help ensure that your mobile device doesn't cause you to become locked out while your password change is propagating through the system.

There are two options for changing your Purdue career account password:

  • Option 1: If you are a student at the West Lafayette or Indianapolis campus, you can visit and follow the prompts for resetting your password. This requires you to have access to your Purdue email or have a text enabled phone number within Banner (See article "How do I update my phone number in Banner?)

    If you are an employee, you can visit and follow the prompts for resetting your password. This requires you to have access to your Purdue email or have a text enabled phone number within Success Factors (See article "How do I update my phone number in SuccessFactors?)

  • Option 2: Contact the Purdue IT Service Desk by clicking the "Purdue IT Request" button and submitting a ticket for a password reset. Be sure you have the following information: your 10-digit PUID number, your name as it appears on official Purdue mailings, and your Purdue career account login. You will be asked additional questions for verification purposes. You may also call your campuses' service desk phone number: 

    • Purdue West Lafayette: 765-494-4000
    • Purdue Fort Wayne: 260-481-6030
    • Purdue Northwest: 219-989-2888

For additional help, see: 

Still need help?  Click the 'Purdue IT Request' button to start a ticket.



Article ID: 458
Tue 8/15/23 3:14 PM
Mon 10/30/23 4:28 PM

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