Checklist for Internal and Public-Facing Knowledge

This checklist is for Knowledge Editors to use when approving articles in TDX

Table of Contents

Process and Procedures

Article is unique (no duplicate content). See Search for Duplicate Knowledge before Creating a New Article

  • Curated content is properly referenced and has effective context. See Use Curated Content
  • Author has collaborated with knowledge owner and other stakeholders


Article Title

Internal Articles

  • Leads with designation “Internal Purdue IT:” or “Internal Group Name”
  • Summarizes article contents in the Article Summary
  • Viewing permissions are set appropriately

Additional Public Standards

  • If information is audience specific, lead with the appropriate designation, such as “Purdue Fort Wayne:” “College of Pharmacy:” or “Engineering faculty and staff:” followed by the subject information (example Purdue Fort Wayne: How to change your Account Password”
  • Include audience qualifier in first line of article
  • Uses the active voice, e.g., create, assign, secure
  • Is ideally 10 words or less
  • Uses title case
  • Uses words customers might search on, and reflects context of the user (avoid jargon)


  • Sentences are concise and easy to scan; paragraphs are short
  • Sentences are grammatically correct and contain no typos
  • Uses simple language and terms
  • Content is well ordered; topics and subtopics are in a logical sequence
  • Refer to customers as callers or users
  • Information is technically accurate, up-to-date, and complete
  • Acronyms and abbreviations are defined on first use
  • Audience is clearly defined
  • No jargon is used unless understood by intended audience
  • Content contains words customers might search on
  • Content is directed to the appropriate audience throughout the article


  • Topic and subtopic titles are formatted as headings
  • Use numbers for steps, bullets for lists
  • Application interface terms are referenced just as they appear in the interface
  • Table(s) have a header row(s)
  • HTML is clean (check for Google analytics tags and other url formatting that is not part of original address)
  • Content is well ordered; topics and subtopics are in a logical sequence
    • Topic and subtopic titles:
      • Are formatted as headings and are not bold
      • Use "ing" verbs when describing a process within the article content


  • Link text clearly references the target content (see Create a Link in an Article)
  • Links to other pages open in a new window
  • Email addresses are spelled out


  • Images are uploaded to server (not pasted in or attached)
  • Images include appropriate alt text (see Internal Purdue IT Article: Web Accessibility best practices for images on websites)
  • Images are beneath the step(s) they illustrate
  • Images have a TDX-generated 1 pixel border
  • Images are essential to understanding the content and associated with the step they define
  • Images are cropped and sized appropriately
  • Videos have transcripts or closed captioning

TDX Article Settings

  • Article is in the appropriate TDX Knowledge Category
  • Owner is set to a Group and selected based on agreement between stakeholders
  • Tags include any appropriate technologies or services.
  • Next Review Date is set no later than a year into the future
  • Notify Owner on Feedback is checked.
  • Article Summary is one sentence describing the article purpose
  • Published to KB is checked for public facing articles (Only Publishers have this access; KB Contributors can “Approve” public facing articles for review by publishers)
  • Notify Owner on Feedback is checked
  • Knowledge Internal Notes have been added when appropriate

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Article ID: 638
Wed 4/3/24 10:33 AM
Fri 7/12/24 3:56 PM

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