The Purdue IT Learning Spaces teams provide many resources that provide information about printing on campus. Please review the linked articles for specific information on how to print.
For information about Learning Spaces printers, print quotas, PaperCut, wide format printing, and more, please visit: Learning Spaces Printing
Printing costs per page
Black/Greyscale Print (8.5"x11") |
Color Print (8.5"x11" or 11"x17") |
Wide Format Print |
$0.04 |
$0.12 |
$4.00 per linear foot |
Duplex printing does not reduce the cost per print charged to your quota as much of the cost of printing is tied up in the printing hardware, support, and toner. It does conserve paper though.
Color printers are located in the following libraries:
- Hicks Undergraduate Library (HIKS)
- Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library in Stewart Center (HSSE)
- Parrish Library of Management & Economics (Krannert Building, 2nd floor)
- Veterinary Medical Library (Lynn Hall of Veterinary Medicine, room 1133)
- Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC)
A full listing of Purdue IT Learning Spaces printers can be seen in PaperCut. Printers are listed in alphabetical order by building acronym. (Ex: Beering Hall is listed as ‘brng’)
Print Quota
All faculty, staff and students with a Purdue career account have access to use the Purdue IT printers. Each is provided with an allotment of prints using the print quota system. The print quota system was implemented to reduce the costs related to careless and wasteful printing.
Print quotas are assigned for the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) and, separately, for the Summer Semester. Print quotas reset on the Wednesday following finals week of the Summer semester (for the academic year - Fall and Spring semesters) and the Spring Semester (for the Summer Semester).
There are no rollovers of unused quota. Assigned print quotas are non-refundable and non-transferable. Funds that you have added to your PaperCut account can only be refunded if you are graduating or leaving the University, and only then if the balance is greater than $5.
If your quota is not reset for the academic year or summer semester, please use the "Purdue IT Request" button.
Quota amounts by group
Purdue Group |
Academic Year Quota |
Summer Quota |
Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students |
$80 |
$40 |
Undergraduate Students |
$40 |
$20 |
Student Organizations |
$20 |
$10 |
To view your print quota balance and recent print jobs, visit You must be on a Purdue network machine, PAL 3.0, or the Purdue VPN to access PaperCut.
You will receive an email warning from PaperCut when your print quota is at $5.00. Once your quota is at $0, you will not be able to print until funds are added. Additional quota can be added by transferring funds from your BoilerExpress account to your PaperCut account. Learn more by reviewing How do I add funds to my PaperCut print quota?
To learn more about student organization printing quotas, please see the following Knowledge Base article: What are student organization printing quotas and may they be increased?
Print Settings
If you encounter an issue with an Purdue IT Learning Spaces printer, please see below for the appropriate actions:
Printer Location |
Issue |
Action |
HIKS, HSSE, or WALC Libraries |
- Printer is out of paper or toner
- Paper jam
- No printer output
- Poor print quality
Please see the Help Desk during staffed hours: Current Hours of Operation
Outside of staffed hours, please contact the Service Desk at (765) 494-4000.
For print refund requests, please see below. |
Libraries (not listed above) |
- Printer is out of paper or toner
- Paper jam
- No printer output
- Poor print quality
Please contact the Purdue IT Service Desk at (765) 494-4000.
For print refund requests, please see below. |
Purdue IT Computer Labs |
- Printer is out of paper or toner
- Paper jam
- No printer output
- Poor print quality
Please contact the Purdue IT Service Desk at (765) 494-4000.
For print refund requests, please see below. |
Residence Halls |
- Printer is out of paper or toner
Please see the Hall Front Desk |
Residence Halls |
- Paper jam
- No printer output
- Poor print quality
Please contact the Purdue IT Service Desk at (765) 494-4000.
For print refund requests, please see below. |
Print Refunds
Printing errors and paper jams do occur and any loss of printer output due to these problems will be credited back to your PaperCut print quota. If you are in a location with staff present, please see the Help Desk during staffed hours to request a refund. If the issue is poor print quality, please present the pages to the Help Desk staff.
If you are printing at a location without Purdue IT staff available, please call the Customer Desk (765-49-44000) or submit the Print Refund Request Form. You will be asked to supply the date, time, and printer location where the issue occurred. Your refund request must be submitted within 7 days of the printing incident to be eligible for a credit to your PaperCut account.
Please allow a full business day for processing all refund requests.
Printing errors that are not related to the device will not be credited. Examples of such errors include, but are not limited to:
- Printing to the wrong printer.
- Printing on the wrong paper size.
- Not picking up job from printer.
- Printing wrong document.
- Printing with the wrong orientation selected (landscape vs. portrait).
- Multiple copies of the same document (when only one is desired).
- Failure to log off (and another student uses your account).
- Print jobs delayed several minutes due to heavy user load.
Scanning to email, scanning to USB, or copying documents can be done on the grey scale HP E82560 printers located in these library locations:
- Hicks Undergraduate Library (HIKS)
- Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Library in Stewart Center (HSSE)
- Mathematical Sciences Library (MATH Building, room 311)
- Parrish Library of Management & Economics (Krannert Building, 2nd floor)
- Veterinary Medical Library (Lynn Hall of Veterinary Medicine, room 1133)
- Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC)
Although the printers are grey scale, you can scan in color on the devices.
To learn more, please see our Knowledge Base article: Can I scan or copy documents using the Learning Spaces printers?
Secure Printing
Unclaimed output will be recycled. If an item has confidential information such as PUID or Social Security Numbers, Passport or ID scans, or other sensitive data, it will be shredded if found at a staffed location.
However, the printers are open access to the campus community and the majority in unstaffed locations. For your security, we recommend that you do not release confidential documents until you are at the printer, so you are present to collect them.
Once a job is sent to the printer it cannot be canceled unless the printer is in an error state which has caused print jobs to be held in the print queue. If you are in a location with Purdue IT staff present, please report the issue to the help desk. If you are printing at an unstaffed location, please call the Service Desk at (765) 494-4000 for further assistance. Please be ready to share your Purdue Career Account username and the printer location.
When scanning documents, be mindful that you collect all your originals and copies at the printer.
For more information on cybersecurity at Purdue, please visit: CyberSecurity Awareness
Information about Print Release Stations
Print release stations have been removed at all ITaP Learning Spaces printers as they are no longer needed to release print jobs. Instead, you can release your print jobs via PaperCut (
Information about Print Quotas
Miscellaneous lab printing information