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Steps for an end user to set up a new Windows laptop or desktop from unboxing to first login.
Purdue IT's Endpoint Support Services provides faculty, students and staff with a professional technical support center and stable computing environment. Currently available Windows machines for faculty ands staff are in this article.
Microsoft Windows Company Portal is where you will find and install needed software and printers.
The following instructions detail how to connect from a personal (non-Purdue) Windows 10 computer to a Purdue supported, on-campus Desktop.
This article provides step-by-step instructions for mapping an external drive to your computer.
This Knowledge Base will take you through the steps for adding an Agriculture Managed Printer to an Agriculture Managed Windows PC that is located within the county extension offices.
How to add a managed printer to a Windows Ag-managed computer
A way to change a background on a desktop, either on Windows or Mac.
This article provides steps for troubleshooting connection issues in the residence halls if you are using a Windows machine.
This article provides information on how to find your IP address on a Windows machine.
Two methods for taking screenshots on both Windows and Mac.